Here is my third sheet, prior to any feedback:

The short poem, at the right side of the sheet just pictured, reads:

Article 2

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Leaves me feeling abstract,
and lets me feel self-assured.

I need __________________ . . .
(fill in the blank)

The right to feel confident if you ever had to face undemocratic governments . . . .

Remove my limbs.
Hand them back to me.

To __________________ .
(fill in the blank)

A natural right to self-defense.
A person, with gun.

Here is a picture of the feedback left on the third sheet:

Here is a picture of the sheet I posted in response to the audience's feedback:

Here is a picture of the feedback the audience left on this sheet:

Here is a picture of the sheet I posted in response to the audience's feedback:

The poem on this sheet reads:

We live in a country where many
would rather
have the right to arm bears
than bear arms.
Can you imagine a grizzly with a shotgun?
Big claws, sharp teeth, and the muzzle pointed dead straight.

But then, imagine someone who is
a mean son of a bitch,
belongs to the NRA, and loves gun shows.
Suppose he hates your F'ing guts.
Can you imagine him with a deadly rifle?
Big arms, foul breath, and an itchy trigger finger.

We live in a country where many
would rather
have the right to arm bears
than bear arms. But remember:

Guns don't kill people.
Bears do.

Here are two pictures of the feedback the audience left on this sheet:

The feedback on this sheet reads: The 2nd Ammendment [sic] is to guns as Prince (artist formerly known as) is to pop music - outdated!


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